When you wake up in the morning do not expect to see the evening - live as though today is all that you have. Yesterday has passed with its good and evil, while tomorrow has not yet arrived...With this attitude, you will not be caught between an obsession over the past, with all its anxieties, and the hopes of the future, with all its uncertainty…
la tahzan :)
saya pinjam msuk dlm blog sy jgk.tenkiu.hihii..
I visited your blog.
I wish you a lot of freedom and happiness.
Take care
Thank you for dropping by my blog and reading my articles. I really appreciate it.
Yes I agree everyday is a new day - a new beginning.
thanks for your comment...
the evenings seperates day and night. it is one of the most precious time. i love sunsets and evenings after a hard days work. it is not something to feel sad about. :)
ni Tuan Caracol yang hari tu ke??Content yang lebih bermanfaat..
que copado marica
Nice blog
he has his own objectives
Terima kasih kerana memberi respons yang membina...
Thank's a lot...
Sy ambil ye kata2 ni. Terima kasih.
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